Book Burning at Berlin

Opernplatz, Berlin – 10 May, 1933


“Johannes, Johannes” he heard his mother cry

“You are always late, I often wonder why”

He put on a clean shirt and a pair of leder hosen

It was Spring, so there was little chance of getting frozen.


“I have put a sandwich in your pocket” she shouted up the stairs

He slipped on his jacket, no need to share his worldly cares.


“I have agreed to meet Agnes at half past six”

His words were almost drowned as the kitchen clock ticked

“She likes me to be punctual; I know I’m always late

I think she’ll forgive me, we’re not going on a date.”


“Hansi, please be careful, I know not what you do

But I’ve heard the rumours, please look after you”.


“Of course I will Mama; there is no need to fret,

You can’t get rid of me that easily.  At least, not yet”.


He left the comfort of his warm and friendly home

walking along empty streets: at first, all alone.

By the time he arrived at Ludwig Strasse there was quite a crowd

Agnes was on the corner.  They had to speak quite loud.


“Hansi where have you been?  I was getting quite concerned,”

“You know what I’m like mein chatz no need to be alarmed.

Are the others here? Where is Michael? Where is Peter?”

Michael’s in the square, Peter’s coming later.”


Searching for their friends they strolled around the square

Student chapters from their college had gathered there

Some carried banners, some students looked bemused

Others shouted slogans, young ones looked confused.


As darkness fell, the numbers had grown beyond all expectation

The excitement was quite palpable, the strength of a new nation

Forty thousand people were there to witness an event

That by and large was organised by right wing University student

They had raided shops and libraries – to burn books was their intent

To destroy the Jewish culture; to air hatred and give vent

To views that were accepted, they were strong and they were meant.


Hansi and Agnes were agog at such conviction

Not in their wildest dreams had they envisaged such destruction.

Books, those founts of knowledge and delight

Were thrown onto a bonfire, ten thousand set alight


Goebbels, from Propaganda, delivered an address:

We will burn away corruption and destroy all decadence


We will embrace decency, morality have faith in family and state

Agnes looked at Hansi, what were they doing out so late?


At this midnight hour you are doing the right thing

German men and German women, gather together, let us sing!”


The Deutsche Volk drew in their breath and sang national songs of old

They would always remember this moment:  what a story to be told.


The books piled high, the flames reached even higher

Thank goodness for the weather, it had kept the platz much drier.


The book burning was happening right across the land

“The age of Jewish intellectualism was coming to an end.”

When they left home that evening our two youngsters did not know

The events that they had witnessed – to the whole world would show

That the works of Einstein, Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller

H.G. Wells, Heinrich Mann and all Jewish best sellers

Were un-German.


Books by traitors, Marxists, pacifists and many more were verboten

If Agnes had any doubts, at that moment, they were unspoken.

The fire oaths, the songs, the music loud and clear

Filled them with a strange emotion: they realised it was fear.


The heat of rhetoric stung like sparks from the blazing fire

Hansi thought that Mein Kampf should be atop this funeral pyre.


What had been started here – there was no going back

Their minds and hearts, like the burning books, were turning black.

As the flames reached up into the bright, starlit sky

Many will have realised that this was goodbye.


Goodbye to their old lives.


As the flames died down on that feverish May night

Hansi knew that one day he would have to leave home and fight

With the smell of smoke in his hair, the taste of ash on his tongue

He realised he was not ready, he was still very young.


But, one day, when freedom came to those who’d been interred

The Nation would have to swallow its pride and eat its very own words.



© October, 2015